Who are Acuto?
Acuto are specialists in data and automation solutions to help agencies achieve their strategies. They use automation to deal with massive quantities of data in a way that traditional platforms cannot.
What is Data Warehousing?
Data warehousing is a way to manage your data at a scale above traditional data analysis. It is designed to support business intelligence – particularly analytics. Data warehouses store all of your data in one place – even if it comes from multiple sources and streams. This data is intended solely to be queried and analysed over a long period of time, with long term data records.
Data Warehousing allows businesses to centralise and consolidate lots of data in one place, including from many types of data sources. Data in a data warehouse can come from all sorts of sources, including log files and transaction applications. This data builds up over time to become a long-term record of a campaign – and the record which a company bases all its future analysis on.
How does Data Warehousing help with PPC?
A PPC data warehouse is a place for current and historical data from sources across an organization to be stored. A data warehouse can be used to analyse historical data and up to date data simultaneously.
For Gumpo, a data warehouse is the first step forward toward making data available to be used by everyone at any time.
Businesses utilise data warehouses to collect and store multiple disparate sources of data together. Using a data warehouse, huge quantities of data can be stored and analysed together to help understand performance and produce more useful insights.
BigQuery allows users to analyse massive amounts of stored data in seconds. Digital advertising agencies benefit from the same massive processing power and infrastructure Google uses to analyse their own data through using BigQuery.
We use Data Warehousing to help with:
- Cross-Platform Analysis
- Cross-Platform Reporting
- Advanced Data Segmentation
- Agency-Level Business Insights
- Business Intelligence Tool Integration
What does this Mean to Your Campaigns?
What all this means is that Acuto enables us to make the most of the data we have access to. By combining every stream of data, and hosting them in the same place, we are able to draw conclusions on your campaigns, and suggest changes to them based on a much greater variety of data than normal campaign analysis would be able to achieve.
This might sound impressive, but what does it mean in practical terms?
Gumpo offers PPC campaigns that are based on the most detailed understanding of the data available to us. While everyone bases their campaigns on data (or certainly should do), they cannot often compete on the depth of analysis we offer. We move beyond basic level understanding of your PPC data, in order to combine every stream together. What this allows us to do is save you money.
PPC can easily get expensive, but the easiest way to spend money on PPC is to waste it bidding on keywords you don’t really understand. Proper data analysis saves you money, because it enables you to spend your time and money on keywords that are worth your time.
To learn more about Acuto, check out our partner’s website here