case study
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ui design | ux design | branding
Our Mission:
Establish Jordan Fishwick as the Estate Agents you go to when you want to talk with an actual human being.
Despite being in business for over 30 years – the Jordan Fishwick brand wasn’t really known for anything in particular and with the rise in popularity of ‘online-only’ estate agents, it became more important than ever to promote Jordan Fishwick as the brand you go to when you want an estate agent that will look after you and your property.
It didn’t help that the existing website was really shit – and all they talked about was how many awards they had won, and how many branches they had. Which nobody cares about
Our job was to build them a new website that not only promoted the property portfolio, but also promote Jordan Fishwick as the place to go if you’d like a real one-to-one service.
- Branding
- Research
- UX
- UI
- Web Dev

This is where we talk about how we went all CSI on their current website / collateral, found a load of shit and then put a plan in to fix it.
And this is where we talk about some of the specifics of that plan. Using JF as an example, we found that the current website was in dire need of a technological update, otherwise it wouldn’t function as a property database,
We also found that there were no brand guidelines in existence, and as a consequence, all their corporate literature was a mish mash of individual ideas. So we built them a complete corporate identity.
I would also talk about benefit to the user here – in JF’s case that would mean hooking the website up to a massive database of local area information – meaning that the website is now a whole load more useful for their users.

Prototyping and Iteration:
This is where we talk about how our research practices were fine tuned with consideration of the intended outcomes.
An example would be how we commissioned a keyword volume search report, because that would show
us what sort of site structure could be optimised for search marketing.
We then could talk about how the site structure would heavily influence the visual navigation and the
types of content / sales messaging that we would put together to signpost users to relevant areas of the
We can then talk specifically about rapid prototyping – working on site to minimise turnaround and
testing the user interface even at this early stage – which we didn’t do but whatever. This enabled us to
get to mid stage of the project more rapidly, and more finely tuned with regards to overall objectives.

Hi-Fidelity Prototyping:
This is where we talk about howcareful research and planning allows us to visualise the ned product faster and more accurately
We can also talk about how we use our in house skillsets to put together better quality interfaces than you might get if you took your budget elsewhere
We talk about how the visual content we produce is done by a team that understands the intentions and goals of the project, which means consistent visual messaging throughout the project.
We should also be saying something along the lines of the value of a multidisciplinary design tea, and how that manifests itself in such ways as 1. Less iterations 2. Increased perception of value 3. Prettier overall result

Intelligent Search :
In an attempt to give tangibility to the dev stage – This is where we talk about the key features that have originated from the development process
We talk about how a lack of this function meant more admin, higher conversion costs and less leades
Then we go on to talk about how bringing this function in, means more leads, less admin and lower conversion costs +++

Alto Property Management Integration:
In an attempt to give tangibility to the dev stage – This is where we talk about the key features that have originated from the development process
We talk about how a lack of this function meant more admin, higher conversion costs and less leades
Then we go on to talk about how bringing this function in, means more leads, less admin and lower conversion costs +++

The End Result:
In an attempt to give tangibility to the dev stage – This is where we talk about the key features that have originated from the development process
We talk about how a lack of this function meant more admin, higher conversion costs and less leads.
Then we go on to talk about how bringing this function in, means more leads, less admin and lower conversion costs +++
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